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Tuesday 11 May 2010

Graduation-once for a life time


We’re graduating
Into our future,
Only the best.
Spreading our wings now,
We’ll do great things now,
Meet every challenge,
Pass every test.

We’ll overcome what-
ever life hands us,
Use what we learned here
For our success.
We’ll bloom wherever
Our journey lands us,
Reaching our goal of
Sweet happiness.

Friendships unbroken
Are what we made here;
Though words aren’t spoken,
Feelings are strong.
Memories we treasure
Tie us together,
Recalling pleasure
All our lives long.

We’re thankful for our
Good education;
Our college and teachers
Are second to none.
We'd like to give them
We learned a lot, and
We thank everyone.

...ha ..ha hello friends .. i speak more truths by my pen(keyboard) rather then when i i was in a mood to scribble out something.My neurons were permuting on what topic to write on.i walked to my hostel.The road came with many ups and downs.Many peoples,Some friends some unknown.Friends made me smile and let not get fragile.There was crowd to blur my destination but friends showed the way.Their smile gave me the word to say 'win till the last day'. I moved ahead making new friends,new destinations Lost unknowns but still have the friends.

Graduation life.Its memorable because peoples graduate once in their lifetime.They make their basic thinking methodology here.A science graduate thinks about a satellite orbiting whenever he sees the full moon.And a English graduate thinks about a romantic poem written in full moon whenever he sees the moon.Like wise a doctor must be thinking about some diseases that are said to creep on full moons.And an economist must be thinking about selling panipuries in full moon saving cost of a lamp.What mechanical s think about the full moon?wow what a question i have arrived at ... any anwers??

Happy days ..bye

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