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Saturday, 14 January 2017

Hand picked formal BELTS from flipkart..

Here is a small collection of belts from flipkart & Amazon.We have hand picked formal belts for you. Wear it in a party,marriage function &office to make that lasting impression every where.
A tip-
How to select belt colour?
Usually it requires that your belt colour&shoe colour should match,if you are wearing a suit.
For non formal occasions&daily use I suggest you to choose brown colour belt because brown colour belt go with brown shoes give you a sporty look.
 That works to keeps you going through out the tiring day.
When we talk of interviews,my bet is on black belt,tan black with tan black shoes. This gives you a formal look. Make sure that it is your dressing that gives your interviewer that you are fully prepared.
So we have given you an idea how to select belts.
Brown belts go good for party&daily use,are sporty. Black belts are good for interviews. 

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