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Saturday, 9 January 2010


..a crossway.A place that can take you near your goals in sec or miles away.Every person is offered by several crossways in his life by god.Your decision at that crossway determines your life.No one knows when where you are going to encounter them.One cant plan,no preprations.Its the one second to choose your correct path or get miles away from it.Very forunately my crossways had some guides.They guided me,i dont know they did that knowingly or unknowingly they said some immensely important words.Might be they are the most important words that i have heard in my life that made me ponder "is my next step correct??".A current of self realisation ran over my whole body and in a matter of seconds i was back to what i must be.

I never knew importance of those moments.But today when i feel that i have really achieved something significant in my life because i made correct decisions at those crossways.My soul really thanks the author of those wonderful expressive words that changed the course of my life.Its not just about writing some flowery words but i really mean it.

I really repent of being not able to of that much help to them.But i pray,i really say god.. make good of every person who makes good for others.And today i accept rather i surrender.(I know no one does such foolishness.But i do.To achieve full clarity.).I could not have been a mirror to them when they could have come to me in any crossway of their life.But they were.So what could be more beautiful in my life than this.

Some tears in my heart teaches me to learn from this experiment.Be good to everyone.Dont know when,where ,how,who is in a crossway.You or i. Your goal is to be achieved by chosing the coorrect path.And never forget your guides at those crossways.This is a tribute to my guides at my crossways in my college life.

Thanx a lot.

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