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Thursday, 11 February 2010

Ahh The Head

It was a Tuesday afternoon. I was at my farmhouse backend. Our regular workers and farmhouse caretaker was working with his son in dense bushes. I was waiting for a train to pass on the railway track at back of my farm. The child in me was waiting to see how the stones I had planted on the tracks burst when the train passes by. I was in a casual state of mind about my surroundings and was concentrated more on the stones. Suddenly I saw the boy (caretaker’s son) rushed towards other end of the crop bed and quickly the men stood up. From the end of the bed the boy retreated back following something, quite carefully on ground. Came to his father and bent forward and lifted something. Handed it onto his fathers hand and with some pain on his hand. The man was able to say something to his son. Suddenly they started running on outer edge of crop land. As they appeared out of bushes. Fear and shivering allowed no place of my body to remain steady. With my extreme fear –I cried out“It’s a..””It’s a SNNAKE”.it covered almost three fourth long on the 40 Ft wide plot. Speedily the men boy followed the snake. I had listened from my grandfather about long snakes dwelling in farm, but every time took things casually . Land being dry enough to allow snakes longer than a meter to be found. It was really furious moved with lightening speed. I ran away to my farm house and tried to stand on some stones heaped over verandah. As my height got enough I saw that men wiggling on a plot next to the one he was working. He was without any
weapon. The boy was away and came back in some moment with some stick. Next moment I was called into farmhouse by my father. Before I could tell anything, his smily face indicated as if he knew what is there. even then I tried to explain something to him. As I rested on the sofa, my shiverigs slowly disappearing. Within some hours dusk light illuminated whole sky with a poetic gloom. A light music was on the BPL tracks. As I moved near the kitchen I could feel some stuffing was prepared by maid. Expecting a goose at night,I felt a little delicious. As the night drew closer at 9 we were called on to table. And ……yyook!!! I vomited and my head struck the table behind my bed. It was a dream. Thanx god. i cannot swallow a snake anyhow. It was a dream I saw yesterday. The picture quality (visualisation) was too good and I got too realistic feelings. So I thought to key it down.

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